
Announcement of My Retirement

Dear Flat Rock Family,

I wish I were able to write to each of you personally. Your devotion to Flat Rock and your love for those we serve has changed lives, brought hope to the desperate, and transformed people into all that God could have hoped for them to be. Through your gifts you have made possible this ministry to the most vulnerable among us, and you have lived out your faith and your mission.

Therefore, I want to tell you myself that I have informed the Board(s) of Directors of the agency and Bishop John Hopkins, of my intention to retire from full-time ministry and as President/CEO of Flat Rock effective July 1, 2016. I want to assure you that the succession plan that has been very carefully developed by the Executive Committee of the Board(s) of Directors and myself will be followed and the standard for care and excellence that has always been the hallmark of Flat Rock will continue on under new leadership. I also want to assure you that this Board is committed to remaining a faith based agency, offering the same love and intentional support of families as you have seen present here.

The Chair of the Search Committee for the new President/CEO, Rev. Donna Van Trees, will keep you informed as they move forward in selecting a new leader for this agency. Please keep them in your prayers.

Flat Rock needs you and your support more now than ever. As changes come to the developmental disabilities system, the challenge is greater for us to envision the future of care into the next decades. I pray you will support our “Campaign for the Future” of Flat Rock as it continues under our Board of Directors and capable leadership of the Advancement Area and Amanda Nicol, Vice-President for Advancement. And I hope that you will continue your commitment to those we serve through your gifts to the Annual Fund.

Over the years I have been so inspired and motivated by the generosity of each of you. You are remarkable people. I thank God for the opportunity to share in this ministry together.

In Christ’s Love,

Rev. Nancy S. Hull, President/CEO