Join Us! March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
We set aside this month to increase awareness about individuals with disabilities and focus on removing the stigma that so often surrounds the phrase “developmental disability”. We celebrate the successes and stories of persons with disabilities.
Established in 1987 by President Ronald Reagan, Developmental Disabilities Month is designated as the month to raise awareness about the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities, to become more informed about developmental disabilities, to make a conscious effort of inclusion for persons of all abilities and encourage persons with developmental disabilities to live life to their fullest potential.
At Flat Rock, we do that each day as we celebrate the successes of our individuals at work, at school and at home. We encourage them to learn and discover new interests as they grow. We stand side by side with them as we care for them, support them through the challenges they face and celebrate their accomplishments.
This month, we want to hear your stories. How are you standing side by side with persons of all abilities?
Follow us on Facebook as we offer exciting opportunities for you to learn more about developmental disabilities, hear the stories of our individuals and learn more about ways you can include persons of all abilities in your community.