
Please Stand With Us! Demand U.S. Congress Uphold Residential Choice

Dear Friends of Flat Rock Homes,

I am writing to you on behalf of the parents/families of those served by Flat Rock.

Protections and Advocacy Agencies (P& A) and the U.S. Departments of Justice (DOJ) file mass actions with the purpose of closing Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICFs/IID) in pursuit of an ideological agenda to serve all people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) in the community.

These actions are typically filed without consultation with the individuals’ guardians, who have consistently opposed such actions, despite the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Olmstead decision that compel the government to respect the right of choice.

We need your voice to get the attention of those in power and our legislators. We need you to take on the challenge of making your friends, families and parishioners aware so that others can join us in speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves.

We need you to demand a full spectrum of choices of those we serve, just as you and I have full choice for our lives. CLICK HERE to email your U.S. Representative and make your voice heard now!

100_2255We believe that those who want to live in group homes in communities should be allowed to, but we also believe that those whose needs are best met in a facility where there are multiple staff on duty, nursing staff available, therapies offered, and therapeutic treatment offered should also be a choice. We do not believe the needs of the severely and profoundly developmentally disabled with intense behavior needs and extensive physical and medical needs is best met in isolated community homes.

We need you to contact your U.S. Representative by Wednesday, March 23 . Email your representative, share the link with your friends and and speak out. Please, we need your help now.


Rev. Nancy S. Hull, President/CEO

Flat Rock Homes, Flat Rock Care Center, Flat Rock Community Services