Fun Competition Raises Funds for Flat Rock Homes, Care Center, and Community Services
Pastor Pamela “Pastor P.” Sayre and members of the congregation from Huron United Methodist Church welcomed Pastor Robin Dillon and folks from Lakewood United Methodist Church on Saturday, August 13 for lunch and a celebration. Following the announcement for The Dick Parks Memorial Race at the Rock, Pastor P. and Pastor Robin challenged each other to a fundraising competition to see who would take home The Dick Parks Fundraising Award for 2023, the loser would be taking a pie to the face. Their congregations stepped up to the challenge and raised a combined total of over $15,000 for Flat Rock Homes. Huron United Methodist Church took home the trophy raising over $8,000 on its own, earning Pastor P. the joy of pieing Pastor Robin. They worked so hard that Flat Rock Homes President & CEO, Karen Kilgo, also stepped up to the challenge and took a pie for the team!
They have already issued the challenge for the 2024 event and encouraged others to follow their lead.